Lest we forget.
  • Remembrance Day, Canadians remember and honour all who have served and continue to stand on guard.

    November 11, 2023

    On November 11 at 11:00 a.m. Canadians observe two minutes of silence to honour the Canadian Armed Forces, our veterans and those serving in peacekeeping missions, including training Ukrainian soldiers.

    Excerpt from Dr. Leslyn Lewis’s newsletter sent earlier this week.

    By Dr. Leslyn Lewis, Conservative, MP

    “This week, Canadians from coast to coast will join in Remembrance. We will stand together to honour those who gave of themselves in service to our country. Those whose lives were lost in defence of our liberty. Those who stood up to tyranny in the pursuit of freedom and for the safety of people around the world.

    We take time, and gather, to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and pay respect to those who served and continue to serve and defend our freedoms to this day.

    These brave men and women represent the best of us.

    Without their service and sacrifice our country wouldn’t be what it is today.

    Our soldiers braved the worst type of warfare, only yards away from the enemy, in trenches, facing cold and disease. Yet they found the strength to fight on and find victory beyond what many thought possible.

    Our national identity was forged in the mud and trenches at Vimy, and it was solidified on the beaches of Normandy as a country and a people willing, determined, and capable to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of the freedoms we hold dear and the safety of those we love.

    Yet, in that determination, much was lost in those trenches…on those beaches….in the desserts, the jungles and to the depths of the sea. Sons… fathers… brothers, sisters, mothers, and dear friends. Lives, limbs, hearts, and minds have all been tragically left behind in the wretched theatre of war.

    Freedom, justice, and liberty are truly precious, and have demanded a precious price.

    So let us thank our veterans and all who continue to stand on guard, for without them we would have no freedom, no peace and no Canada.

    Lest we forget.”

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