"A promise made. A promise kept." Do you trust SEO companies?
  • October 20, 2013

    How to evaluate SEO, digital marketing company

    Attention small business owners: Do you need an independent analysis of your SEO company or the one you are about to hire?

    Imagine a political party that delivers what is committed. Now imagine a SEO or digital marketing company that does the same. It is possible? You bet it is – or – at least it was in the following political example.

    The Common Sense Revolution was a policy document and foundation for the Ontario P.C. Party’s 1995 election victory. Leader Mike Harris catapulted his weak third-place finish in the previous election into power. An affable, straight-talking leader, Premier Harris bench marked his government’s progress based on the CSR commitments e.g. election promises. The political lessons gleaned from this leader will be applied to SEO companies in a series of blogs.

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